Prince George's Park Residences is so popular with NUS students. Each corner in PGP more or less have become a specific memorial place to a student who has ever lived there. The corridor leading from main foyer to the bus terminal, with me, is the remarkable one.
To PGP residents, this pathway is so familiar. They are rushing in the corridor to go to school on time, to go back their rooms after a hard working day, or just rushing for dining with their friends. Everybody must have been in the corridor at least a number of times, but they rarely realize it is more than a pathway.
The corridor is so meaningful with me not because of its architecture but its atmosphere. I can feel all of students’ activities after school just around this area. Coming back late after studio, contrasting to the quiet and warmly lighting corridor, I feel the light shining from a reading room where friends are still studying hard. I can listen to the sound of typing on computer and the music from other private rooms. Walking few steps further, I feel a little cool air escaping from the meeting room and even the heat and smell of cooking from the canteen nearby still remaining after closing. Walking through the corridor actually is a journey of experience. All of them are so friendly and familiar. Surely, after walking through the corridor and coming back my room, I myself experience this atmosphere again but with my own food, my own computer, my own music and my personal emotions.
Nguyen Hoang Duc Duy
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