I used to jog a lot in the past and jogging allows me to explore unnoticeable places by trying new path and route. My greatest discovery by far, Rochester Park, is located in a discreet spot covered up by lushly grown vegetation along North Buona Vista Road. Rochester Park is a chill-out place set in a rustic background with huge green canopies surrounding the site. The 1930s colonial style black and white residential houses have been refurbished into an alfresco space to relax. Views to surrounding tall buildings and noise from traffic were obstructed by the lush greenry that surrounds the site. It unconsciously helps to reduce the presence of an urbanise city. Cooling comfortable climate and quiet setting allows one to take a step back from everyday hardwork while enjoying a meal and have a peace of mind. From lush greenry and birds chirping to 1930s colonial style house, Rochester Park has created an nostalgic and relaxating ambience. With One-North developing at the moment and huge publicity of Rochester Park, it may soon turn out to be noisy and filled with people.
Foo Chuan Dian
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