Saturday, November 04, 2006

5 footway of shophouse in Kampong Glam

This site is historical place in Singapore. Because Kampong Glam has an antique mosque, and Istana. But there is another element of historical background. That is a shophouse.
The shophouse has a very narrow width, long depth, and low roof. And it has 5 footway. This name comes from the width. The width is about 5 foot size.
The 5 footway is originated for the wider area, using 2nd floor.
Trying to use longer spac, finally 2nd floor is almost reached at the road. So bottom of the 2nd floor and in front of 1st floor there occurred space seems like corridor.
The long parallel column gives me to feel strong perspective. And through many shops, I can feel the activity of merchandising, through the arrangement of various façade.

Ju Young Seok

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your grammer is really bad...:(