Saturday, November 04, 2006

Changi SAF Yacht Club
Built on reclaimed land and officially opened on 28 May 05

I remember the pier extending, reaching, yearning, trying so hard to touch the horizon but never succeeding.
Amongst towering clouds, little specks of fast-moving white dotted the sky. Seagulls. As if mocking the pier, they zoomed towards the horizon, disappearing as fast as they had appeared, taking their cackles along with them.
Stationing myself at a seat at The WaterEdge Café, I took in the yachts tied to the sides of the pier. How majestic they seemed! How carefree they seemed! And yet, how plain they seemed compared to the lovely orange cocktail nestled in my hands. The sea agreed and celebrated my triumph by emitting a wind that played with my curls.
The sun struggled for awhile, then succumbed to the velvety night sky. In response, the boardwalk came alive with the orange spotlights and I smiled as a little child gazed in wonder at the sea, which had similarly come alive with the soft glow of the ships from afar. Without missing a beat, the waiter set our table aglow with flickering candlelight. The relaxing music of the 80s and 90s coupled with the soft, flickering shadows all around lulled me and drew me deeper into the inviting embrace of the swing’s couch and unwittingly, I dozed off for a good 10 minutes and dreamt of nothing but my troubles dancing along and fading away with the shadows.

My little secret hideaway, this quaint little yacht club.
Wait for me, you with your mind-stealing beauty.

Lim Hui Min Emily

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